SQLite Fiddle

SELECT 2 + 2

An online SQLite playground

This is an interactive web-based SQL notebook, a powerful tool that allows you to run SQLite commands directly from your browser, with no installation or server setup required. Inspired by the functionality of Jupyter notebooks, this app gives you the ability to write, run, and visualize SQLite queries in real time, all in a familiar notebook interface. Powered by the WebAssembly port of SQLite3 and Python, DB Fiddle brings the power of SQLite to the browser. Whether you're a developer, data analyst, or student, our app provides a lightweight and intuitive environment to work with SQLite databases on the go.

Key Features

Interactive SQL Notebook

Experience a notebook-style interface where you can write and run SQL commands in individual cells. View results inline, making it easy to follow the output of each query. Keep track of your queries, results, and notes all in one place for easy reference.

Powered by SQLite3 in WASM

The app runs a WebAssembly port of SQLite3, which means all database operations happen directly in your browser.

Share your work

Easily share your queries, results, or individual SQL scripts online with others or export them to continue working outside the app.